When we submitted this website to our State Conference we ranked poorly and unfortunately we did not get any comment cards or any reasons as to why. This was a wake-up call for us and made us take a good look at the website to identify any areas that were weak against the Website Design Problem brief and the rubric used to evaluate it. This was extremely important to our re-design process for entry to Nationals. The right hand column of the rubric below helped us ensure that we understood and met all requirements to achieve exemplary performance marks.
CRITERIA | Minimal performance 1-4 points |
Adequate performance 5-8 points |
Exemplary performance 9-10 points |
Evaluators: Using minimal (1-4 points), adequate (5-8 points) or exemplary (9-10 points) performance levels as a guideline, record the scores earned for the event criteria in the column spaces to the far right. The X1 or X2 notation in the criteria column is a multiplier factor for determining the points earned. (Example: an "adequate" score of 7 for an X1 criterion = 7 points; an "adequate" score of 7 for an X2 criterion = 14 points.) | ||||
Content | Several inaccuracies occur in the content provided by students, and/ or many requirements have not been met; not enough content is included, or content is very incomplete. | Almost all information provided on the website by students is accurate, and all requirements of the assignment have been met, and/or all information is accurate but not all of the requirements of the assignment were met; information is not complete. | All information provided by students on the website is accurate and all the requirements of the assignment have been met; i.e., there is sufficient content in the website to learn about the topic and complete a research assignment. |
Layout | Web pages are cluttered looking or confusing; it is often difficult to locate important elements. | Web pages have an attractive and usable layout; it is easy to locate all important elements. | Website has an exceptionally attractive and usable layout. It is easy to locate all important elements; white space, graphic elements and/or alignment are used effectively to organize material. |
Graphics | Graphics seem randomly chosen and are of low quality, and/or they distract the reader; many images are broken. | Graphics are related to the theme/ purpose of the site, are of good quality, and enhance reader interest or understanding; there are no broken images. | Graphics are related to the theme/purpose of the site, are thoughtfully cropped, are of high quality, and they enhance reader interest or understanding; there are no broken images. |
Navigation | Some links do not take the reader to the sites described; a user typically feels lost. | Links for navigation are clearly labeled; they allow the reader to easily move from one page to related pages (forward and back), and the internal links take the reader where s/he expects to go; a user rarely becomes lost. | Links for navigation are clearly labeled, consistently placed and allow the reader to easily move from one page to related pages (forward and back); internal links take the reader where s/he expects to go; a user does not become lost. |
Color scheme | Colors, fonts, and unvisited and visited links make the content hard to read or otherwise distract the reader. | Colors, fonts, and unvisited and visited links do not detract from the content and are consistent across pages. | Colors, fonts, and unvisited and visited links form a pleasing palette, do not detract from the content and are consistent across pages. |
Interest | Participants have provided only the minimum amount of information and have not transformed the information to make it more interesting to the audience. | Participants have tried to make the content of the website interesting to the people for whom it is intended. | Participants have made an exceptional attempt to ensure that the content of the website is interesting to the people for whom it is intended. |
Spelling and grammar | There are many spelling and/or grammatical errors in the entire site. | There are a few spelling and/or grammatical errors in the entire site. | There are either no, or very minor, spelling or grammatical errors in the entire site. |
Research base | Website is lacking an adequate research base, and/or very few credible sources are referenced. | Research has been conducted appropriately, but there are few credible sources. | A comprehensive research base that includes credible sources is evident. |
Solution to design brief(X2) | Website is missing three (3) or more criteria and/or constraints of the design brief. | Website is missing one (1) or no criteria and/or constraints of the design brief. | Website is missing no components of the design brief. |
Sound doesn't travel in space.