
Here are a collection of quotes we found doing our research.

  • I must admit, maybe I am a piece of history after all.
    Alan B. Shepard
  • I think humans will reach Mars, and I would like to see it happen in my lifetime.
    Buzz Aldrin
  • Thats one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.
    Neil Armstrong
  • I would have taken whatever hand I was dealt. Space was it.
    Story Musgrave
  • I have no nerves, no emotion, no pressure.
    Eileen Collins
  • Houston, we've had a problem here.
    James A. Lovell
  • I don't know what you could say about a day in which you have seen four beautiful sunsets.
    John Glenn
  • Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man's desire to understand.
    Neil Armstrong
  • Problems look mighty small from 150 miles up.
    Roger B. Chaffee
  • It took me a long time to get selected as an astronaut. In fact, I applied for 20 years before I was selected.
    John L. Phillips
  • But when I wasn't working, I was usually at a window looking down at Earth.
    Sally Ride
  • I put up my thumb... and it blotted out the planet Earth.
    Neil Armstrong
  • First I believe that this Nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon...
    John F. Kennedy, May 24, 1961
  • We believe that when men reach beyond this planet, they should leave their national differences behind them.
    President John F. Kennedy, 1962.
  • Failure is not an option.
    Gene Kranz, spoken when he was fight director during the near-tragic incident of Apollo 13 mission.
  • To go places and do things that have never been done before - that's what living is all about.
    Michael Collins, flew on Gemini 10 and Apollo 11.
  • Our nation is indeed fortunate that we can still draw on an immense reservoir of courage, character, and fortitude, that we are still blessed with heroes like those of the space shuttle Challenger. Man will continue his conquest of space. To reach out for new goals and ever-greater achievements, that is the way we shall commemorate our seven Challenger heroes.
    President Ronald Reagan
  • We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win.
    President John F Kennedy
  • It's human nature to stretch, to go, to see, to understand. Exploration is not a choice, really; it's an imperative.
    Michael Collins, Gemini and Apollo astronaut.
  • Through you, we feel as giants, once again.
    President Ronald Reagan, to the crew of Columbia after their completion of the first shuttle mission, 14 April 1981.
  • As a former astronaut and the current NASA Administrator, I'm here to tell you that American leadership in space will continue for at least the next half-century because we have laid the foundation for success -- and failure is not an option.
    Charles Bolden, NASA Administrator
  • If we die, we want people to accept it. We are in a risky business, and we hope that if anything happens to us it will not delay the program. The conquest of space is worth the risk of life.
    Astronaut Virgil I. Grissom (On January 27, 1967, astronauts Grissom, White, and Chaffee died from a flash fire aboard Apollo 204 Spacecraft.)
  • Why our space program? Why, indeed, did we trouble to look past the next mountain? Our prime obligation to ourselves is to make the unknown known. We are on a journey to keep an appointment with whatever we are.
    Gene Roddenberry, Executive Producer of Star Trek
  • Spaceflights cannot be stopped. This is not the work of any one man or even a group of men. It is a historical process which mankind is carrying out in accordance with the natural laws of human development.
    Yuri Gagarin, the first man to fly into space
  • Even though NASA tries to simulate launch, and we practice in simulators, it's not the same - it's not even close to the same.
    Sally Ride
  • The regret on our side is, they used to say years ago, we are reading about you in science class. Now they say, we are reading about you in history class.
    Neil Armstrong, July 1999, Gemini 8 and Apollo 12; first man to ever walk on the moon.

Fun Facts

Today's top fuel dragsters take off with more force than the space shuttle.