‘Baby Fest’ – Part 3

‘Baby Fest’ – Part 3

Erin and Jan enjoying each other’s company.

The Bentick babies numbers are increasing. This set of images was taken in November 2010 and Jan and I were very pleased to meet Erin and Mikey. Much better looking than their dads of course….

We were also joined by Eden on the day. It was a total “baby fest” and I am sure that Great Grandma Alma didn’t know which way to turn. I happen to know that Jan has a great time with lots of hugs from the day. I hope she doesn’t get too broody!

mikey-1760 Mikey coping with all the girls.

Although I didn’t get any photos, we were also joined by another special young lady – Grace. I can imagine Cristmas will be interesting around John and Sylvia’s house this year. Where will they fit all the prams.

So here are a few of the images
Click here to see the results


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